Tag Archives: Plugin

Equity Disclosure WordPress Plugin

I’ve worked with someone from Freelancer.com to bring you the Equity Disclosure WordPress Plugin.  I’ve submitted this plugin to WordPress, and they have accepted it.  I think it is important for a writer to disclose their bias.  You may download, and install it manually here or from WordPress here. Warning: support is limited, we take no liability in the use of the program.  Happy blogging, and disclose your biases.

[dfads params=’groups=1177,1178&limit=1&orderby=random’]

Amazon Content Rich Advertising with Streaming Video & Audio

The Amazon advertising program should include a plugin for personal web sites and blogs that instead of getting a static image with a link to a movie, or song (with Album cover), the plug in, provided by Amazon, should have an option to have a static image, as per today, or:

  • Any movies, where trailers are available, especially for Amazon Instant Movies, have two formats for an associate plug-in.  The first plugin for low bandwidth sites, the user still continues to see a flattened image of the DVD case or CD album, but in addition, have two links, play trailer, or play music. 
  • The second, more content rich plugin, would have either one, or a rotating collection of playing trailers and/or music, with album image.  The trailer can play the standard or an abridge trailer, as defined in the settings. The music would play at the normal sample length, or an curtailed length, based on the settings.  Finally, there are two image overlays, one in the bottom left, the other in the right, but the user may click, the left has a More Info, the right says Buy @ Amazon.

The user would select a collection of songs as well as movie trailers, or the user may make multiple collections, that have movies, songs, or both.

This same Amazon Associates plugin for web sites or blogs, may be applied to other products, such as Audible.com and audio books with samples.  In the Amazon Associates Product Advertising API WSDL, I did not notice references to ‘sample’ or ‘Trailer’, so I do not think a third party can build this plugin or widget as of yet.