As mentioned in the post, BI Applied to YouTube Yields Value for Advertising, Marketing, & Sales, YouTube could dynamically scan audio for words and/or phrases when it processes the videos, and the most frequently used, or N threshold number of words appearing, or more to the point said in the video, would:
- Be recommended automatically as the words to used as the comma delimited list of words describing the video
- A hash tag cloud could appear on YouTube’s front page, with each word growing or shrinking based upon the current trends of words used in the videos uploaded. People may then click or ‘lasso’ a single or several words and drill down to specific videos within a specific genre.
- Business intelligence can be applied in a search screen, to allow the user, advertiser or marketers, to find most frequently used words or phrases, the hip words, or trending phrases so they can use them in advertising or commercials. For example, a search can be performed on comedy genre videos between X and Y dates, and the most used words and phrases can appear with number counts in a table.
The above intelligence, user interface, and technology may be applied to audio podcasts as well to help users find the type of podcasts they like to hear, or advertisers and marketers to target their audiences more specifically.
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