Tag Archives: hashtags

Audio Hashtags Automatically Created When a User Uploads Podcasts or Videos

As mentioned in the post, BI Applied to YouTube Yields Value for Advertising, Marketing, & Sales, YouTube could dynamically scan audio for words and/or phrases when it processes the videos, and the most frequently used, or N threshold number of words appearing, or more to the point said in the video, would:

  1. Be recommended automatically as the words to used as the comma delimited list of words describing the video
  2. A hash tag cloud could appear on YouTube’s front page, with each word growing or shrinking based upon the current trends of words used in the videos uploaded.  People may then click or ‘lasso’ a single or several words and drill down to specific videos within a specific genre.
  3. Business intelligence can be applied in a search screen, to allow the user, advertiser or marketers, to find most frequently used words or phrases, the hip words, or trending phrases so they can use them in advertising or commercials.  For example, a search can be performed on comedy genre videos between X and Y dates, and the most used words and phrases can appear with number counts in a table.

The above intelligence, user interface, and technology may be applied to audio podcasts as well to help users find the type of podcasts they like to hear, or advertisers and marketers to target their audiences more specifically.

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Hashtags Embedded in Sound Waves of Songs: Watermarks

Sound, or video is able to be embedded with hash tag information like a watermark in the song, and this hash tag information can then be used as a link or other information which can be used as a link to a fan site, e.g first 100 users of purchase get x tickets for the purchase of the song, or backstage passes to the next concert in your area.

Hash tags that are embedded in the sound of a song may be used dynamically, such as the live broadcast of the song, and offering the user to call or text a number to receive a prize, or embedded in the purchase of a song, so when the song plays,the information will be sent generically to a ratings association to get better quality of a Top 40 ratings. The hash tags may also be used for dynamic posting of the song to your social network of preference, e.g. #NP, now playing., optionally, as specified by the user.

Additionally, if the consumer can automatically post the unique code of the song as a hash tag in a special music service, maybe variations of their favorite song may exist, e.g. the acoustic, or concert version of the song instead of the studio version, and through the posting of this hash tag into this special music social network, fans may be able to identify and acquire unique recordings of their favorite songs.

There is the ability to embedded the watermark of the artist images in the song, such as the JPEGs of the artists signatures, concert pictures, or any other special information, Watermark signals in audio and video is not new, but typically used in an encrypted manner to ensure the artist, music distribution and production company ensure their appropriate share in the profit margin.  Used in this manner, embedded information in the sound waves allows the users to access addition fan content.

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Viewers can tweet when watching recorded shows on DVR if Opt-In for stats: Improving the Nielsen,SocialGuide Solution

It occurred to me that so many people want to be a part of the hash tagging of their shows, but typically watch on DVR.  Production and distribution thought the tags would lure watchers to change their watching habits, and for some it it did, but as a side effect, the core fan base may have dwindled, because it’s in fact a turn off, if people see the hash tag and are unable to engage with the fan base watching on DVR.  I would say allow tweets to be correlated to episode and scene if some users, because of their schedules are forced to watch on DVR.  Utilize the limit capabilities on fast forwarding, like the cable, on demand prime time shows, which allows for advertising, you still are able to keep a larger fan base  acquire advertising revenue, and keep the fan base engaged.  A website called Twitscoop accesses trends over time, so absolutely you can correlate a time index in a video clip to a tweet, and see what happened from the fans perspective, and even reply, and although delayed, some tweet replies to other fans could occur.

If the distribution networks and production companies want to collect information about what and when people watch certain shows, include demographics, but leave name out,  they can also allow for payback to the customer, if the customer ‘opts in’ to the collection of their key data points, such as when they watch what shows, correlate age groups, and advertising targeting can be used on DVR playback, e.g. a dollar off their cable bill, which is actually taken out of a general funded group from entertainment distribution and production companies, a conglomerate organization, which shares data across the group to access demographics on viewer history, e.g. Nelson +,

A press release actually put out by Nielson sparked the idea, or was it an article regarding the acquisition, I forget, but it seemed like the company they bought was only tracking active, real-time, tweets, not historical tweets.  Here is the press releaseNielsen, NM Incite Acquire SocialGuide

I quote from the press release:

“SocialGuide is a comprehensive, real-time social TV capture service covering programming across 232 U.S. TV channels in English and Spanish, and over 30,000 programs.  Built for linear TV, SocialGuide’s intelligent analytics and engagement platform provides insight on the social impact of TV, enabling networks to engage with the social fan base in realtime.”