Contractors, Healthcare, and Organized Labor

As I approach a gap in society, I take pause, and say, is that an opportunity, and why does that exist?  If people seize that opportunity who will it benefit, and who will it detract? In this case, I see a number of Information Technology contract positions as right to hire, or just 3 to 6 month or more contract roles, sometimes hourly, sometimes, rarely daily. So I ask myself, as I look at my 1930 AFL-CIO cane, I collect canes as a hobby, why isn’t there a very good health care / organized labor system for the IT industry. You too may have also been excluded as an independent contractor in IT, or your own field. In IT, you either work for a company as a full time employee with benefits, or work for a small to mid sized consultancy firm with no or some mediocre medical benefits. If you work for a large consultancy firm, and are able to transition to a firm, fantastic. You also have the ability to collect good benefits in a large consultancy firm. However, if you are an independent contractor in the United States of America, you may financial barriers securing premium health care insurance, such as a PPO with a small co-pay and without a referral. I am on my 18th month of COBRA and my current small company plan, if I got sick, I would be in serious financial trouble. This ‘Pains’ me to say, but why don’t we have good collective bargaining for Information Technology Independent Consultants? That is a rhetorical question. It would directly compete with large consultancy companies, their ability to deliver good benefits, and transition someone to an organization. If I took a count of how many people were on COBRA, or without healthcare, may be contractors, and would be more than willing to use collective bargaining to strong arm health insurance companies for a great health care plan through organized labor, I suspect we could do more than the United States Government has not been able to do for the American public.

Sign up to express your interest in contractor labor benefits.

Update: Since I originally posted this message, with a small budget, I’ve been able to reach thousands of people to read this post.  If you don’t sign up here, I urge you to try to do the same thing, and reach out to form local labor unions of your own.  Other fields are, and have done this for a long time.  Isn’t it time you’re field of labor collectively worked together in the hopes not just to network for jobs, but for [health] benefits?

HP WebOS Open Source as a Spinoff may compete with the likes of Firefox or MSFT

Take an open source OS such as a WebOS smartphone, without a contract, light weight requirements in processing power, and could it be the RedHat of Mobile devices?  So many hardware vendors are still tied to Microsoft.    WebOS could be the opensource OS.  With VC funding, a spinoff from HP, which gives it focus again, and VC funding and hardware connections with a sick new phone like the Nokia Flex, an alternate shaped device, and a low price point, that device will fly off the shelves.  No doubt about it.

Next Gen Spend Without Hi-Tech Spend

If you want to allocate money to someone, like a gift card without spending the money for a smartphone with an app to transfer the money? What gave me the idea, in part, was the post office and printing out bar code stamps. There are several approaches that include protection against fraud exist.

1) Print out a QR/UPC bar code sticker label which contains information such as monetary allocation plus identification which can match the person’s drivers license, have a brief expiration for the label and the person can go and print out a new label when it expires e.g. a day or week, etc. from an intermediary source or financial instirution.

2) Silicone braclet contains smartcard chip. The braclet comes in colors the intemediaary and/or financial indtitution issue. Braclet interacts with issued short range RF wrist band to indicate identity and help protect against fraud.

Just a thought, give a silicone braclet for the holidays?

Expand this to loyalty programs as well.  There was a gimmick a few years ago with a new shape in credit cards by Discover Card services, however, this was too big and bulky, and shaped oddly, not convenient to attach to a keychain.  It did not catch on, and that before the Smartphone craze, so this avenue wasn’t pursued.  It has merit, because children love the band brackets, so they can get a specific allocation on the card to limit spending.  The wristbands are a great stylistic component which will be popular with a large consumer, Women.

FCC Radiation Regulation for Mobile Devices & Form Factor to Shape Next Niche

The writing is already on the wall folks with three articles, one by CNN, FCC asked to consider raising limit on cell phone radiation, the other article, or more pictorial view of the mobile devices, between Apple and Samsung, in an article picture by the New York Times, and the Nokia Flex Phone.

First, phone manufacturers, start your engines, its a whole new ball game with respect to design and form factor thanks to the boys and girls of Finland.

Second, all manufacturing of phone accessories may profit off of this regulation, if it will be passed in the U.S., Manufacturing accessories to compensate for the existing phones, as well as new technologies developed.  Lots of money for the Krill.

Thirdly, all the apps that go with Nokia’s start of ‘brilliance’, hedged by Apple’s Retina display technology.  Read between the lines boys…and girls.