The below images relates to the Agile practices and principles that resonate with me. Some of these images will be very familiar, others not so much. Any questions, please reach out to me
The Agile Manifesto should be the pillars of Agile. These statements are the foundation of Agile. When considering challenges to Agile from a coworker or stakeholder, fall back on these items / principals
Adjustment to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – Incremental Sprint Delivery
At a high level, we see iterations of software delivery within a single sprint, or increment / iteration. The above shows how a Sprint operates within Agile.
This diagram shows multiple iterations, or “Sprints” and the feedback loop on how the implementation is adopted.
Deprecation of V Diagram
In 2006 and before, this was one of the best visuals I used to convince teams on what we need to produce and stay in sync for a high quality product. Any impact from the first part of the v would have a direct impact to the second part of the V Diagram. It did not encourage people to “Change Often”. However as a QA lead, I wanted to show my clients the impacts of their change requests.
The BIG Picture
Leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), a roadmap to the incorporation of the entire organization, empowering top down, and bottom up to focus on Epics and Themes, and how they correlate downward to Features and Product Backlog Items (PBI)