NFC Replaces Secure Digital Memory for Data Transfer in Art Galleries?

NFC (Near Field Communications) has significant potential in the transfer of information, and has already proven to be a lightweight technology to transfer and store data.  We have already seen at this year’s CES conference business cards enable the transfer of songs from an NFC enabled business card to a car radio.  Samsung has enabled this technology in their smartphones to transfer data such as videos and pictures.

There will come a day soon where we will have built in storage in a device, such as a picture frame, or television, and the NFC card will allow the transfer of information to this temporary buffer in the device for playing music, watching videos, or looking at pictures. This day is not far off.  Yes, those LCD picture frames in your home that take SD memory are outdated.

Apple made an acquisition of a company that has the ability to enable an LCD touch screen to raise a keyboard through the touch screen, so the user has the tactile contact of the keyboard.  We may go back to typing on the keyboard without looking, like we do with smartphones with keyboards.  I envision an art gallery that has huge LCD screens all around the room, and switching an artist on display would be as easy as walking over to each LCD picture frame and taping the frame enabled with this raised, tactile LCD technology.  In the artist’s creation, the paint of the brushstrokes may appear raised from the LCD canvas, with a three dimensional effect on the picture frame.  An artist making an art creation would make brush strokes using a digital brush, pressing like you would on a canvas, choosing the appropriate paint may record the additional information required to display a three dimensional painting.

Picture that.


After additional research, the one inhibitor, which may pose a significant barrier, and provides optimal data transfer of smaller data packets.

The maximum data transfer rate of NFC (424 kbit/s) is slower than that of Bluetooth V2.1 (2.1 Mbit/s), as noted in Wikipedia.

The speed of MicroSD Speed Class 10 is 10 MB/sec, significantly greater, as well as the advanced UHS, or Ultra High Speed Class, UHS-I has a 50 MB/s, and UHS-II has a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 312 MB/s.

Although, the idea of NFC, or Bluetooth for the matter, has a conceptual idea of tap and transfer high rates for large data to internal memory buffers in devices, the reality is that the  WiFi connectivity speeds outweigh both NFC and Bluetooth, and MicroSD, physical medium outweighs NFC / Bluetooth.  If this idea had merit today, you would need to apply a WiFi connected device to get the maximum throughput without physical media, such as secure digital, or continue to leverage physical media for transfer and still use the memory buffer as a temporary storage in devices, as noted in the article.

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